Read Article. That is a huge part of it, but it's not so black and white. Home » Blog » Brutal cartel beheading and dismemberment. Tifa Winters. On January 18th Mexican Tuitero Francisco Landeta, broke the story of a Guerrero policeman who the sicarios accuse of being being a “Chapulín”, [traitor] providing information to “the enemy”. 235. Atomic By a. ago. The real problem is the corruption and ineptitude of the Mexican government and law enforcement. What are some of the most hideous torture methods used by Mexican drug cartels?13 Jul 2016 0. the funkytown dude looked like Jerome from Gotham when they took off his face. Funky town is probably more gore because it lasts longer, but the fact that the father and son video is literally a fcking kid watching his father get brutally murdered and then. . Colombia 7 849 13 0. 6 years is a really long rime to survive being in that part of the cartel's operations now. 0. This was the funky town victim, who had his face ripped of and tortured to death, people assume he was part of a drug cartel but he was an innocent student with a girlfriend/wife and child hate it how people are saying he might of deserved it he was an innocent student. 36. . Stay careful with the videos I am watching. One of the worst Cartel torture videos that I've seen. Narco 1O1 - La Línea: youtu. Retweets. Cartel. Cartel; Cops; Crime; Murder; Execution; Shocking; Suicide; Execution; War; WTF; Login. Tagged: Crime Videos. 0:53. E realmente o cara ainda ta vivo, porque do nada ele começa a berrar as vezes. The Tukhchar massacre was an incident during the War of Dagestan, filmed and distributed on tape, in which Russian prisoners of war were executed. The Body Of A Former Prisoner Killed By 6 Shots 3 908 3 0. Funky Town Victim. Last year Ángel Colón walked free after 20,000 Amnesty activists sent messages to the Mexican authorities demanding his release. How? So keep in. I will warn you again, your life is better not knowing the details. Bookmarks. Sponsored by Adidas (cartel organ extraction + cannibalism) The Guerrero Flaying (aka No Mercy in Mexico) 1 Lunatic 1 Icepick. Likes. 18. Video, which was uploaded sometime around 2017. The killers scalped and skinned their face. AG Musicsong: Don't Fear your Fears - Haunting A. Literally just google “funky town cartel video Reddit”, first result. Thread starter boognishstern; Start date Sep 16, 2020; boognishstern GUNK PIMP. 9/10, be careful. Young woman in a tragic accident. Maybe They Were. puff on A Mexican police and his son brutally tortured to death by Cartel; Abduaziz on Torn off neck; Yago Arcanjo De brito on Big chunk of disc-shape thing taken out of a man; boog on Testicles pinchedThe video lasts just over two minutes. Believe it or. What are the worst tortures by drug cartels? - Quora. The cartel was founded in the early 1990s by a group of street hustlers and gangsters from the city of Los Angeles. Written and produced Steven Greenberg,. Order murder and arson. I get that the torture is half the process but at some point your hands gonna get tired and your gonna get frustrated that shit won’t cut. Consistent_Zombie663 • 1 yr. Animal / Animal Attack / Cartel / Crime /. During the video, they cut his throat with a box knife. Breitbart Texas was able to obtain a copy of the video that the cartel members shot. beheaded beheading bestgore brazil chopped deadmale decapitated dismembered. 24 Feb 2015 0. The act of getting brutally murdered by the South American drug cartel. And earlier this year, a judge dropped the last remaining charges against Claudia Medina, following the demands of 300,000 Amnesty activists. Khloe Kardashian models the new Good American pink collection. Cartel Members Beheaded A Man With His Hands Tied Behind His 5 267 5 0. During the video, they cut his throat with a box knife. Sep 16, 2020 #2 so fucked up Buttfucker 3000 King of shit 14K 657K views 1 year ago One of the worst Cartel torture videos that I've seen. 0. a video surface on the internet showing a brutal and gruesome execution caried out in Mexico by either a Cartel or a gang. Punishment Of A Drug Dealer Who Stole Drugs. response. "Funkytown" reached the top spot in the United States, West Germany, Canada, Austria, Switzerland, Norway, the Netherlands, and Australia, among many others. 2021. The video shows a man being brutally killed by a drug cartel. Read. The footage shows a masked man. Hi everyone, I know funky town is a cartel video or torture video or some kind of gore, I wanna understand what Sem is saying in Haunted Mound Reapers, but do not want to see the actual video. Animal / Animal Attack / Cartel / Crime / Mutilation / Punishment / Pure Gore / Torture. Tagged: Crime Videos. from their debut album Mouth to Mouth (1979). Edit: Here you go. MEXICO Funky Town, sometimes spelled as funkytown, is a very famous gore video that is circulating on the internet. MATAMOROS, Tamaulipas — Gunmen with the Gulf Cartel interrogated and executed five members of a gang that carried out robberies and extortion in the border city. A young man in Mexico named Julio Cesar Mondragon was horrifically murdered by the cartel. A horrifying gore video that surfaced around 2016-2017. The vocals were by Cynthia Johnson, who was Miss Black Minnesota 1976. Authorities believe Morales is responsible for at least 72 slayings in the 2010 San Fernando massacre. Members of a Mexican drug cartel torture a man on it in an inhuman way. And once you die and your body decays, Jesus himself will pat you on the head and take you straight to heaven where 72 pure virgins await you. . Holy shit, ive honestly been really interested in cartel videos since I heard of funkytown, the amount of coldness in a persons heart to be this brutal is honestly astounding! I've seen quite a bit of gore but this is the icing of a human flesh cake, this. One of the cartel members cuts a bit of the man's lung out (while he’s most likely still alive) and takes a bite out of it. Anyone else know this from the mexican cartel torture video. Torture that man but dont leave a trace. . 61 TylerDurdenThree • 3 yr. It is widely believed to be one of the worst shock videos online. com on August 27, 2020. We are launching a brand new website where you can submit your videos! GoreSee. 11. share. I will go into details in a bit, but this post will be shorter than normal because there just isn't a lot of information about this. The video’s title makes it easy to identify its source: a Mexican drug cartel. He still alive but we took off his face. Boscomemes • 7 mo. Los Zetas are a newer cartel that were trained by the United States military as part of a plan to help with drug cartel violence but they became corrupt as all of Mexico unfortunately is now. En el video, varios miembros del cartel capturan y torturan a un joven, cortando. I. They all started doing it after Los Zetas started it. 0:36. ago Its a really disturbing video of these cartel members torturing a rival member by cutting his face off beheading him and all that while hes still alive and trying to scream. be/u78vKPl5g3g Narco 1O1 - Juárez Cartel: youtu. And 50 secs. Music: by @CO. News videos. He. 0. Favela Thugs Killed A Woman With Gun Shots 21 270 38 4. 3 guys one hammer got to me more but I guess that's because the guy in funky town was most likely just as bad as his torturers as he was in a rival. In a funky town group of people torture a man very severely, which takes his life, and he leaves the world in pain. . Likes. #1 VERY NSFW Rival Gang Member Flayed Tortured and Beheaded - SeeGore Video which famously recognized as "funkytown" showing a rival gang was tortured and beheaded seegore. He recommended eliminating certain words from their lexicon, including decapitado (decapitated person), descuartizado (a dismembered body) and encobijado (body wrapped in a blanket and dumped. last year. Cjng is what is left over from Los Zetas. 6 years is a really long rime to survive being in that part of the cartel's operations now. if you go to @ colleigay he explains it all on tiktok. What’s the sponsored by adidas video. In this episode we discus the early history and events that led to the formation of the mighty Sinaloa Cartel. July 18, 2010. The time spent on death row permanently damaged damiens eyesight. If they fall into the hands of a different cartel, they may be held for ransom and tortured like this. Rival Gang Member Flayed Tortured and Beheaded - SeeGore. com. ”. Woman slowly being dismembered by cartel. 1. Biden is directly responsible for this latest surge. It shows a man with his face flayed, hands cut off, and eyes gouged out being tortured by a Mexican cartel while having. His parents went to the Forensic Medical Service (Semefo) of Iguala. Video which famously recognized as "funkytown" showing a rival gang was. Just answer me. Murders, dismemberment, mockery of the corpse of a murdered gang. Even that razor was the most un-razor I’ve ever seen. Acho que não quero ver não. This video shows a man with his face. Reality is scarier than fiction. MEXICO Funky Town, sometimes spelled as funkytown, is a very famous gore video that is circulating on the internet. Burned the face. l. This video dates back to several years ago, I first saw it back in 2009 and it was one of my first gore experiences. Cartel members doing terrible things. . from their debut album Mouth to Mouth (1979). Sponsored by Adidas is a shock video that was first posted on elblogdelnarco. A young man in Mexico named Julio Cesar Mondragon was horrifically murdered by the cartel. Watch for FUNKYTOWN on DVD and VOD this fall at WolfeVideo. But the 30 people he has “disappeared” all have been buried, he says. Shocking images of a Mexican cartel cutting body from a woman. com Listen on Spotify Send voice message Available on The Cartel War This blog is dedicated to bringing upfront news about the ongoing, brutal war between the Mexican government and the different drug Cartel coalitions, which has been censored in the Mexican as well as the American media to prevent people from realizing the danger both countries are truly in. Release date. plays in the background along with some other tunes, such as Sweet Child O' Mine by Guns N' Roses, giving it the name "Sweet. Especially recently where the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion is stating to overpower even the government and armed forces. In this video, the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) removes skin from a living person, cutting flesh with a knife from the chest. . . Same for pretty much every other infamous gore video there is. Message From The Cartel 451 0 0. comit’s a cartel torture video, a classic any true gore connoisseur will shiver at. The unknown assailants cut up the. - This is why sometimes I'm afraid to visit my familia in Mexico. be/u78vKPl5g3g Narco 1O1 - Juárez Cartel: youtu. The reason the videos are said to be related is the similarities in the house. El Chapo’s Sinaloa cartel Beheadings of Felix Gamez Garcia & Barnabas Gamez Castro by chainsaw. 0:48. (Started March 2022) Contact: [email protected]. The worst the torture, the greater the message. An ordinary job of drug gangs % buffered 00:00 You Might Be Interested In Whip on the soles. Copy video URL at current time. 3:11 PM · Mar 25, 2021. Débora Bessa had been missing since January 9th and was found by her family on January 13th in a wooded area in the Caladinho neighborhood, in Rio Branco. A video taken by cartel members during the commission of crimes or punishment of guilty members. However, about the case of Mondragon, he along with 42 other young 20-year-old students were kidnapped by a Drug Cartel from a Spanish University in late 2013. Funkytown is a famous shock video that surfaced online in 2016, it's a Mexican cartel video depicting the grotesque torture of a bound and faceless victim. #CoasterPrime #Reaction9/10 really a tough video but many of you guys wanted me to watch it. FunkyTown Gore is a video I'm which there's a man being tortured while alive with music in the background. And Once Again The Merry Guys From The Cartel Chopped Their. Official Series: Narco 1O1.